The Playgoer:

Custom Search

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Many of you expert surfers who have found your way here probably already know about Clive James' blog. But I didn't until I read a nice article about it here today. Gotta hand it to the spritely 66-year-old Aussie arts critic, essayist, and TV host for really exploring this twenty-first century form. The site, with lots of video and audio discussions as well as text, looks like great browsing for the longer attention spans out there. In addition to stuff on classic literature, philosophy, and political debates, James's entries range as far wide as Philip Roth, Bruno Schultz, and The Sopranos!

So for those with time on your hands check out the blog. If not, then just read the article. Highlight: "Perhaps the most touching aspect of the site is Mr. James's sincere desire to make it genuinely educational - to bring high culture to the masses, though without a trace of snobbery."

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